Search Results for: faith

Primum Non Nocere (First, To Do No Harm)

I often used to wonder why we are born as kids and not as ready-made adults. I mean if that’s the ultimate goal God had outlined for us then might as well. He could have saved himself and us, a lot of effort. Of course, over the years I have realised that God did have a bigger picture in mind for all of us when he came up with plan of making children. Here’s what I have learnt; Every child

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I chanced upon, a leading actor’s birthday post for his teen son and I quite liked what it stated. In a nutshell, A dad must be the go-to person for kids instead of thinking “Oh my God! My dad is going to kill me!”. I believe that both parents should be approachable. And we must make the effort to build the rapport. It’s not easy. As a parent you have to strike a balance between being a parent and a

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“Can I have one more parantha mumma?” Reyan asked me casually.“Reyan, you must control your hunger. Look at yourself, you are getting overweight,” pat came my reply. “Mumma, give me mango shake, I am feeling so thirsty and hungry,” he asked me the other day. “I think you should have some lemonade rather than milkshake, you are getting fat” I showed my concern. “Mom, how am I looking in this new shirt?” Reyan’s excitement was obvious.“Reyan, you need to lose

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The first Saturday of August and there’s only one thing I can talk about today- Friendship. For me, friends are the family that I chose. I love to be surrounded by people who I know and who know me well. Even as I would walk the road that leads towards home, right from the bhaaji wala (Vegetable vendor) to the fruit wala (fruit vendor) to the grocery store owner; unless they would wave and exchange pleasantries with me, my walk

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I attended a family wedding recently. I was glad I reached India just in time to catch it. Surrounded by my favourite people, I just soaked in the laughter and bonhomie. For a while the clock had turned back for my cousins and I.  Catching up with cousins was definitely the high point but what I loved more than that was catching up with my nieces and nephews, some of whom are in their early twenties. I especially enjoy interacting

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How does it feel when you see a young body hanging from the ceiling fan? Tied with a rope or a dupatta. Eyes bulged out. Neck collapsed. Tongue out.  How does it feel? How does it feel for a parent to see it?  Unimaginable, right? You are already feeling that little lump in your throat. You can already feel your heart pumping with the thought. Shudder in an unknown fear. Right? I felt exactly like this when I heard that

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“I do not believe in regret, but I do believe there may come a time we look back and feel like we could have done something differently. Take the learning, but also remember that it was probably the right decision you given the circumstances” She’s practical and positive and she’s Hira Mehta, a multi-facet 63-year-old who has a refreshing take on age. She says, “Even though everyone screams themselves hoarse saying age does not matter, I beg to differ, because it

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I have made more than just memories with youBlack, white and greySummer evenings or winter mornings Days spent in backbreaking toil over papers and presentations Nights drowned in a flood of 3 AM thoughts It’s you who’s kept me going…  I wonder what’s so magical about your aroma The faintly bitter but nauseating smell of freshly ground beansI love the way you make swirling designs in the milk and creamYou’re extraordinary in the everyday, the unique amidst the usual… That queer ability to

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The Undelivered Letter to A Friend Dear Annie, Although I could have mailed or texted you, I felt a handwritten letter to my dearest bestie would surely make you smile. I was elated on receiving the good news from you. After extreme trials and tests you have become pregnant. God has answered your genuine faith and heart’s desire. He will abundantly bless you with… “Mummy!” interruption guaranteed when you have a super-curious toddler at home. Instead of paying him attention

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#ComfortablyUncomfortable “It’s never too late to be what you might have been” – George Eliot Meet Arjuman Mehmood Khan, 42 years old, mother of two dashing teenage boys. Arjuman spent twenty fulfilling years being a full-time home maker, a hands-on mother, wife and daughter-in-law. She still continues playing all these roles with elan…but at the age of 40, she decided it was time to find her own identity, to start crafting her dreams, to get out of her cozy comfort

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