How does it feel when you see a young body hanging from the ceiling fan? Tied with a rope or a dupatta. Eyes bulged out. Neck collapsed. Tongue out. 

How does it feel? How does it feel for a parent to see it? 

Unimaginable, right? You are already feeling that little lump in your throat. You can already feel your heart pumping with the thought. Shudder in an unknown fear. Right?

I felt exactly like this when I heard that around 19 kids committed suicide after getting their exam results somewhere in Telangana. I too shuddered in that fear. And in anger, with a big WHY?

What was it that propelled these young minds to take such a drastic step?

And for a fleeting moment my mind raged at the parents. What did they do that the kids started feeling that marks were more important than the beautiful life that one has? What must have been told to them? How much pressure must have been given to them that these little ones could think about death. And that too in such a brutal manner. 

Every year during this time, we hear umpteen such horrendous stories. We hear how kids kill themselves. Some run away. Some have nervous breakdowns and so and so forth. And every year we talk about how miserable this is. But again, it all happens the next year.

Honestly, if you see the school they hardly put much pressure. The pressure comes from US. The parents. The home. We are the ones who get miffed with their failures. I plead guilty too here. Though rarely, I too succumb to the pressure and end up having a word or two with my kids. And repent.

Let’s not do it. This life is wonderful. We must let them live. The years ahead will any ways bring scores of struggles to deal with. Maybe we should leave them be. With trust. With faith. With love. 

Because everything said and done, once gone, they are never going to be back. 

And then regret is the only word one is left with. All through life. 

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