Raising a child is no child’s play!  When that small little bundle is handed over to a woman, who knows nothing about being a mother, bringing up a child, its definitely a big task on her hand.  Imagine you are given a Chinese book and asked to pass the exam with flying colors when you don’t know the language at all!  What do you do?  You study, you practice, you take the test and then you pass.  But wait…motherhood doesn’t have that liberty.  It’s an examination which you have to take without any preparation!

When anything goes wrong, any small mistake, the mother starts labeling herself as a failure, a “bad mother”.  Of course, the society doesn’t spare her either!  No one comes forward to help but yes when it comes to blaming everyone easily and conveniently points the fingers towards the mother.  The already hassled mother starts blaming herself when the child doesn’t eat, when the child refuses to sleep, when the child is lean or overweight, when the child falls down and hurts himself, when the child behaves badly, when the child scores less marks, etc.,

As an experienced mom, after all these years, let me simply tell this to all the moms loud and clear, “Stop calling yourself a failure”!  You are doing a great job and its humanly impossible to raise children or for that matter do anything in this world without committing any mistake.  You learn and you keep on learning.

There are already enough people already to judge your motherhood, your parenting skills, so be kind to yourself.  Stop blaming yourself for every little thing.  Nobody in the world calls themselves failures as much as the mothers do! 

“Hey Mama! Has anyone told you that you’re doing an awesome job?” 


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