The path I have trodden in my journey
Could never have happened without many
So here I thank all such people with humility
As the ‘road taken’ by me is because of your endeavours
Thank you for making me believe
I was not good enough
Thank you for making me feel
I was unworthy
Thank you for leaving me in lurch
When I needed you the most
Thank you for letting me fight my own battles
You all have made me believe in my myself
You made me realise that it’s me who can do it
You made me redefine my journey
And today I have found my destination
Because of the ‘road taken’ by me
All my setbacks were a blessing
As I have emerged as a survivor
A strong person on my own feet
Ready to take any challenge
That life might throw at me
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Wonder Women World. If you wish to share your views you can reach us at [email protected] or reach out here CONTACT US
12:00 AM
Again, a very heart touching rendition of the strong woman who is taking the world on her stride with magnificent majestic expression of vivid thoughts. Congratulations TWWW for making it a weekly affair.