Ever since she discovered Psychology, Janet was fascinated with the subject. Her desire to transform lives led her to pursue the subject even more and from the tender age of 14 she dreamed of becoming a counsellor, to help people live more fulfilled lives. Life however took a different turn after graduation and due to personal circumstances she joined a corporate job.
Twelve years down the road Janet became a subject matter expert in Process and Strategy. Her heart however always leaned on to her dream of reaching out to people and so one fine day she decided to take her life choices in her own hands. She quit her job, found the man of her dreams, married him and went on to pursue her Masters in Counselling Psychology.
She now runs her own brand called JustJanet and enjoys her role in transforming lives through counselling and training. Through her own life experiences and listening to the stories of others, she has learnt that life is such a wonderful teacher. It depends entirely on us, as to how we want to use that learning to live better more fulfilled lives. As she goes through her journey of life, she gives everyone the same message – To Live… Love… Breathe…
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