Since no one ever asks a man how it feels to be a man on a certain day, it is with certain indulgence that we have to approach this question. Not all women have similar human rights or control money, if they did, their futures and that of the country will be different. To acknowledge that all is not well is the first step, to understand we have to do something every single day at homes and in work places is the second.

If women’s day is a day that can help us remember what we should be doing, so be it, let’s celebrate how far we have come but equally recognize the miles ahead. Empower through health, resources, education, confidence and money. Access to all of this, is the single main thing that can make a difference to every woman. We need more cheerleaders in 2018 both in households, offices and in the parliament.

–  Aarthi Sivanandh
Lawyer and Partner at J Sagar Associates

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