“I am completely a self-made woman” says 25 year old Aashna Narula based in Chandigarh who after a Masters in Psychology, did not get a job but instead of crying, cribbing and wallowing in self-pity, took matters into her own hands and established Psychopedia, a coaching institute that imparts education in an innovative, fun and positive way in the field of – you guessed right – Psychology.
Answering my question on how it felt starting out on her own, Aashna said, “Honestly, every day is a challenge but the biggest challenge was the first six months. You create something and you wait for it to work, then you wait for it to grow. I used to get home and my parents would ask me how is it going?” and I used to question myself – if I had made the right choice and if I am letting them down.” The self-doubt would creep in, What if it fails? How will she pay the rent? Will she ever make a profit? Should she give up and get back to searching for a job? Aashna would then just pick up her phone and go for a walk with Tedx talk by Muniba Mazari on loop. She also gave herself a pep talk– “if Muniba did not succumb to her disability, what am I cribbing for?”
Aashna knew when she set out that every venture had its risks but there is no failure without a lesson and every failure leads you to where you are actually meant to be. After two years of dedication, hard work and perseverance, Aashna’s venture has won three awards, taught 30 children and has made so many meaningful connections along the journey.
Her message for those reading this is just as beautiful as her outlook to life, “You are beautiful. You are amazing.” she says, “Do not let a bad relationship, bad decision, and bad advice stop you living from your life. Please do not let ‘log kya kahenge’ (what will people say?) stop you from fulfilling your desires. Find that inner child in you that you lost years back, that child who knew that she can do everything, from moving mountains to being the best and being accepted for who she truly is.”
1:54 PM
That’s really inspiring?
2:37 PM
Wow… thats called positivity.
8:42 PM
Proud to know such a person. You truly inspire. Good luck to you for the furure. May you achieve many more awards!
9:29 PM
Great inspiring words!
Keep it up!