Neha Savara, founder of Creative Epiphany and Café Buzzinga, knows very well that in our attempt to fit in, we mustn’t lose ourselves. And Neha walks the talk. She aims to stand out.

While the all day diner, that she and her husband started, aims to make people happy via food, her personal project allows her to experiment with up cycling and repurposing old, seemingly useless or broken objects. When you browse through her work you will see how skilled she is at taking a mundane object and transforming it into something you would love to display in your home or gift someone.

I asked Neha for her honest thoughts on how it is having her spouse as a business partner and she said, that overall they are a perfect team, but there was one irksome thing that used to happen during the initials days. Neha went on to explain that when she was introduced as the wife first and partner later, she noticed that people tended to forget the latter part and didn’t seek or value her opinions as an equal partner in the café. This obviously did not feel right and they mutually agreed that as a rule, during all business meetings they would introduce each other as partners and would refrain from mentioning that they are also a couple. This worked out really well, on both, the personal and professional front.

It has been five years of juggling her dual role and there are some exciting plans in the works. But Neha makes sure that she maintains her individuality and identity while working with different collaborators.

As Neha successfully makes her way through the ups and downs of life, her message to the rest of her kind is straightforward, she says, “Fight the stigma. Be a rock star. We are an incredible mix of being ambitious, compassionate and nurturing. It goes a long way in being successful.”