Search Results for: faith


Boy is growing up. And he back talks. It is a thing that can be slightly flustering as a parent. Because none of us ever want our child to back talk. Be obstinate and rude. But, it is happening. I am seeing it often now. The texture of language is also changing a bit. He is sometimes talking the way he should not. That is what everyone says. But do I feel the same way? No. This may sound a

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Vijaya Jayaraman, popularly known as VJ, worked in a corporate environment as an executive and is now retired. She enjoys her time with family and is continuous learner.  She values relationships with people and believes in service within one’s capacity in anyway possible. VJ is a public speaker and online writer. She gives 20-30 speeches annually on a variety of topics. Her passion is to speak on Sanatana Dharma in interfaith churches in Massachusetts, thus exposing this philosophy to the

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When the world is negative And you want to give up, Positive thoughts and vibes Keeps you charged up. Good friends, good vibrations Prayer or meditations, Hopes or affirmations Can shoo away negative emotions. If you are broken or hurt Don’t let it tear your apart. Pick yourself up and run Life can’t always be fun. In your hard times keep faith alive It can keep you sane or help you survive. Who said life was ever easy, high fly

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My journey from a designer to an artist entrepreneur

I always had an inherent interest and talent for art. Initially it was not easy to make art my profession . When I approached galleries , the first question would be “which art school are you from?” I did not have an answer as I am a trained designer and a self taught artist and had never taken a single art class. But I did not give up and worked very hard. I wanted my art to speak for itself.

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Appa! Happy Father’s Day! Yes, it’s not about just one day! But in our hectic life schedules, it’s time for a speed breaker, to slow down, sit and think about our dad and his love. Because, he is the only man who make us happy always! Again I’m highlighting the word ALWAYS in the previous sentence. I’m sure as you read you will feel wonderful in your heart whatever the hurdles are in your life. Dad, You are the one

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“I don’t measure achievements based on revenue figures or awards. I feel an achievement is when you enjoy doing what you are meant to do every day”, says Sandy Samuel Jerome mother of two and CEO of Somey’s Kitchen (Speciality food producer). She has lived in the UK for close to ten years now and has been donning the hat of a successful mompreneur since 2015. Somey’s Kitchen started small by selling its products online and in small Asian stores in West London. 2017 however

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When and how did your love for books start? I grew up in a small Mumbai suburb, Dombivili, in a house by the railway tracks. My father was a railwayman, unwaveringly honest and totally committed to the cause of improving the lot of railway workers, many of whom worked in the unorganised sector. Life was simple and frugal back then because he gave away a better part of his earnings to the poor and the needy. But what he was

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I started learning Bharatanatyam when I was five years old in Kalamandalam, Kolkata. My mother had learnt Bharatanatyam in her younger days and so by natural extension she enrolled me in it too. I loved it from the get go. I continued to learn in Chennai after my father’s transfer there. When I reached standard 10 at school, the dance classes stopped. Not because I needed to focus on my academics, but because the teacher who used to come to our

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“Do everything with patience and passion. Patience is what ​will help you to understand people (in my case, my students​)​ and ​​​passion is what ​will attract those very​ people to your craft” Meet Deepika Ghose, Founder of DancewithDee. Deepika has been dancing since childhood and has trained extensively in Jazz, Hip-Hop, Ballroom, Contemporary, Ballet, Bollywood, African Dance, Modern Dance and Dance Therapy. After teaching in California and Mumbai, Deepika now teaches dance in Bangalore and her classes can be best

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“There are two emotions I would rather not waste time on – guilt and regret. There’s too much good stuff to be immersed in!” Behind that practical, pragmatic and perfect statement is Pavitra Chalam, Founder and Director of Curley Street. Pavitra and her diverse, opinionated and young team make films and noise about “the uncomfortable, the awkward and the complex.” – things that are ignored, thereby creating social justice narratives which they feel require further public discourse.   Pavitra fell in love with the medium of film when she

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