(A film made by CurleyStreet Media (Creator), in partnership with iPartner India (Producer) and APSA India) Today, I would like you to meet Devi (name changed to protect her identity). As she gently runs a comb through a little girl’s hair, she gazes into the distance with misty eyes. Memories of her daughter’s playfulness come rushing back to her. This is Devi, a soft-spoken warrior who escaped years of abuse and sexual exploitation by people she trusted and called family. After losing

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The Wonder Women World would like to draw your attention to the world of sexual exploitation. Statistics reveal, that a child has to be rescued from the clutches of some form of sexual exploitation every two days in India. Exploitation makes no exceptions. It does not spare little boys or girls, women or men. However, I would like to focus this feature on those who form the majority of its victims – women. Starting today, I will share CurleyStreet Media’s

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Sounds boring? And yet here you are, reading what I have to say, as you let curiosity get the better of you or probably the thought of doing nothing once in a way appeals to you too! Let me clear the air, when I said do nothing, I did not mean sit around the house all day and ignore the husband, kids, job, etc. As tempting as that sounds, I tried it for 15 minutes, and can tell you that it won’t

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The term “depression” is often loosely used to describe sadness. But not many of us are aware or acknowledge that it is much more than that. Before I continue, here is a disclaimer, I am no psychologist or psychiatrist and neither have I consulted one to write this. These are my thoughts based on what I know about the topic and the objective of this article is only to raise awareness not to diagnose the condition or prescribe any treatment.

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